The Business Roundtable’s Statement of Purpose: one year later

Money By Hikmet Ersek, Western Union CEO Aug 19, 2020

One year ago, I joined 180 other CEOs of the Business Roundtable in signing a new Statement of Purpose of a Corporation. The statement declared that corporations should not just maximize shareholder value, but also their value to customers, employees, suppliers, and the communities in which they serve. I strongly supported this sentiment when the BRT voiced it; its necessity is even more clear one year later. With the unprecedented challenges that 2020 has brought, from the COVID-19 pandemic to advancing the fight for social justice and racial equality, Western Union has been and continues to be a purpose-driven company. We are listening to our customers and employees across the world. We are leading innovation with an inclusive mindset, and we remain committed to advancing our business to benefit all our stakeholders.